LPJBCC Student Funding Committee

LPJBCC Student Funding Committee

Luther P. Jackson Black Cultural Center

Student Funding Committee

The Luther Porter Jackson Black Cultural Center (LPJBCC) encourages students to create experiences that increase the understanding of, appreciation for, and advocacy of programming that enhances the Black experience at UVA. The LPJBCC Student Funding Initiative is a new initiative, launched in the Fall of 2015, designed to provide support for new, innovative and creative approaches to raise awareness, engage students and faculty, and change behaviors about addressing issues relevant to Black students within the university community. Examples of programs that may be supported include lectures, symposia, workshops, conferences, performances, and other innovative approaches to including the Black student experience in President Sullivan's Cornerstone Plan. It addresses Pillar I: Enrich and strengthen the University’s distinctive residential culture. 


Minimum requirements: University of Virginia students and registered student organizations may apply. Applicants must be students enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program of the University, at the time of the application and for the period of the funded activity.

Additional requirements:

1. Individual students MUST be sponsored by an organization that is registered and active through the student activities center AND that is in good standing with LPJ.

Organizational Good Standing:

2. Each applying/sponsoring organization must have an active representative learning in the current Black Leadership Institute Module.

3. Each applying/sponsoring organization must have active executive representation on the Black Presidents Council.

The LPJBCC SFC & Award Criteria:

The SFC consists of six student leaders of LPJ Initiatives and 1 Member-at-large who will serve as Chair of the committee. The six students represent: Black College women, LPJ Black Male Initiative, Black Presidents Council, Black Leadership Institute, Orphe' Noir, and Project RISE. The Director of LPJBCC will appoint the chair of the committee. Any student in good academic standing can apply for this position.

The LPJBCC Student Funding Committee will review the applications and make the award selections. The committee will be looking for those opportunities that are innovative, meet a documented need, well planned, have a good chance for impact, and will engage a significant number of students. If in the opinion of the LPJBCC SFC, there are no applications that effectively meet the Fund criteria, the Committee reserves the right to not select a recipient and instead, place a targeted request for proposals from a select group of organizations.


Requests may be made for up to $500.00. Ideally, awards are distributed across the academic year, Fall and Spring.

The LPJBCC SFC Fund may be used for initiatives such as the following:

·        Guest speakers on topics relevant to the Black Experience

·        Special program(s) intended to increase respect for diversity and individual differences

·        Events that expand the inclusion of issues related to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, social class, physical ability or attributes, religious or ethnical values system, national origin, and political beliefs in the way the University thinks about Black as a social construct

Funding restrictions

This resource is meant to offer support for relevant programming created by students and, as such, some measure of openness is afforded to each applicant's request for financial support. The LPJBCC SFC is seeking to support unique programs. However, there are some general limitations.

 For example, awards may not be used to fund:

·        Conference registration or travel expenses of individual/s

·        Entertainment expenses that do not have a clearly defined educational or cultural component

·        Travel expenses, except for presenters brought in for a specific activity

·        Stipends to university employees

Final Report

A final report is required and may appear on the OAAA/LPJBCC website. The report is due no later than ONE month after the funded activity is complete. If the event is held near the end of a given semester, the report will be due by the last day of final exams. Noncompliance with this requirement may jeopardize an individual/organization's eligibility for future funding. The final report should include 5 components:

1.     A self‐evaluation including description of program/event impact

2.     Results of the event assessment

3.     Attendance figures

4.     Final budget

5.     Event photos


For more information, please contact:

Office of African-American Affairs
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA 22904
Phone: 434-924-7923
Fax: 434-924-0513