OAAA Community Engagement

OAAA Community Engagement

Assistant Dean Smith

Jeffery C. Smith, II
Assistant Dean

My name is Jeffery C. Smith, II and I am one of the Assistant Deans in the Office of African-American Affairs. I am so excited to serve you as you begin this academic school year. I would like to share a Latin saying that you may have heard over the course of your time from our office, “Finis Origine Pendet”, which translates into the “the end depends upon the beginning.” Everything that you set out to accomplish since the beginning has come to this year. How you started your academic journey has made an impact on the end. Many of you are looking forward to Commencement in May but I encourage you to make good decisions now in preparation to celebrate your accomplishment at the Donning of the Kente Ceremony in May. I am excited to share that moment with you.

As the fourth year Dean, I invite all of you to meet with me. This year is essential because you are beginning the end of one chapter while preparing for a new one. I want to come alongside you and help you process next steps. My purpose in life is to encourage, equip, and empower young adults as they seek to fulfill their divine purpose. Each of you has a specific, unique, and extraordinary impact essential for the world and I want to help you unlock that purpose.

Additionally, I serve as the liaison for Black Community Engagement for OAAA. Black Friday is our main vehicle to help cultivate a strong sense of belonging for our black students. Black Friday is where Black Students can identify, fellowship, and express their culture in a safe environment which is centered around food, music, and entertainment. I hope that as you embark on this final year, you come and spend time with us throughout the semester.

I believe that this will be your best semester and year yet and I look forward to serving you this academic school year.


Jeffery C. Smith, II