Tutorial Services
The Office of African-American Affairs has offered selected tutoring in STEM, Public Policy, or Commerce-related courses each year. This year, we considered all of the classes taken by Black students over the last five years and identified ten that might benefit from tutoring.
OAAA Tutoring Service Offerings
ASTR 1210 Intro to the Sky and Solar System- TBA
BIOL 2100 Introduction to Biology with Laboratory: Cell Biology & Genetics
BIOL 2200 - TBA
CHEM 1410 Intro to College Chemistry
CHEM 2410 Organic Chemistry
CS 1110 Intro to Programming -TBA
ECON 2010 Principles of Economics: Microeconomics-TBA
EVSC 1010 Intro to Environmental Science
MATH 1210 Survey of Calculus I -TBA
PSYC 1010 Introductory Psychology
PSYC 2600 Intro to Social Psychology
SPAN 2010, SPAN 2020 & SPAN 3010
OAAA Tutoring – Contact: Dean Thomas for more information
Tutoring Booking Calendar Links
Course Selection(s): As such, not all classes are available; however, students can make specific requests for tutoring by reaching out to Dean Thomas by email at art8u(at)virginia.edu.
Tutors: Students providing this service have been well-vetted. These tutors have excelled in their course(s) and are interested in supporting their peers as they learn the concepts. OAAA will pay the tutors for their time.
Costs: There are no costs to students using the service. There are no limits on how much one can schedule tutoring other than availability.
How to prepare:
- Students can better prepare for a tutoring session by:
- Completing an honest assessment of where they are in the course material,
- Review the current content taught in the course,
- and bring questions regarding the course material (previous and current content).
Students should bring any materials a tutor might find helpful as they work on current content.
Where: Students can receive our tutoring services via Zoom or in-person, at designated spaces, or a mutually accessible campus location such as a library, study room, or dining hall.
Expectation(s): Students receiving our tutoring services can expect to discuss course topics, main ideas, methodologies, problem-solving steps, and mechanisms.
Students should NOT expect their tutors to complete their homework, adjust their papers, receive answers for problem sets, or receive material from previous semesters.
If you are interested in becoming a tutor, please send a request to [email protected] and include the email subject: "Interested in Being a Tutor."