Submission Guidelines (Where, how and to whom?)
The Priority Deadline for fall 2015 funding is September 30, 2015. However, applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Contact Dean Mason at [email protected] or (434) 924-7923 if you have any questions or need assistance.
LPJBCCSFC Application Requirements
The Fund application is available online and will require the following components:
I. Applicant(s)
Name of Applicant
Applicant’s phone number
Applicant’s email address
Additional collaborators/Registered Student Organization/University Department (if applicable)
Sponsoring Organization (Must be In Good Standing with LPJBCC)
II. Event/Program Title
III. Event/Program Focus
IV. Proposal Narrative
a. Explain how the event/program will enhance LPJBCC's long-term commitment to Black cultural education and the celebration of Black Heritage
b. The specific need that is being addressed
c. The goals and anticipated outcome(s) of the event/program
d. Event planning timeline
e. Description of the target audience, including the estimated number of participants
f. The expected impact that the event/program will have on the University Community
g. A specific plan to assess the impact of the event/program on the University Community
V. Budget
a. Anticipated expenses (itemize and briefly explain)
b. Funds anticipated from other sources (please list)
c. Total amount requested from the LPJBCC SFC Fund and how funds will be used
Review of applications will begin upon receipt. The Chair will notify all applicants of the LPJBCC SFC's decision regarding their application within 30 days of receipt of the completed application. If the application is approved, it may be posted in whole or in part on the OAAA/LPJ website. Contact Dean Mason at [email protected] or (434) 924-7923 if you have any questions or need assistance.