Parents Advisory Association

Parents Advisory Association

Office of African-American Affairs' Parents Advisory Association (PAA) 

A Brief Introduction of PAA ...

Having the highest retention and graduation rates of African-American students in public universities across the nation, the University of Virginia has much about which it can be proud. There are many factors that have contributed to its success - university presidential commitment, a strong and viable Office of African-American Affairs (OAAA), and the collaborative spirit and partnership of departments and offices across Grounds. However, in addition to all of these factors, there is another, which has made a significant impact upon student success - that is, the Office of African-American Affairs' Parents Advisory Association (PAA).

The brainchild of Father Joseph Brown, Interim Dean of African-American Affairs from 1986-1988, the organization was created to assist the OAAA with its mission of providing a welcoming and nurturing environment for students of color. Upon assuming the deanship in 1988, Dr. M. Rick Turner continued the evolution of the organization. Knowing the value of parental involvement, which is the cornerstone of his programming initiatives, Turner expanded the organization and brought it to national prominence. The PAA is an important component of his holistic approach to retention, where parents and University administrators, faculty, staff are in partnership in making differences in the lives of enrolled students. The organization has been influential in assisting the University with wide-ranging issues encompassing diversity and campus climate.


To support the Office of African-American Affairs (OAAA) in its efforts to develop and sustain programs that provide opportunities and support systems for African-American students at the University of Virginia.


To help create and maintain an environment in which African-American students attending the University of Virginia will have access to accommodations and considerations that assure enhanced opportunities for positive college experiences and intellectual development which result in graduation and proper preparation for graduate or post-graduate matriculation at any college or university in the nation:

  • by organizing fund raising activities to supplement the OAAA's budget or, otherwise, to sponsor activities that enhance the academic, intellectual, or social well being of African-American students
  • by participating in and/or influencing university decisions which, either directly or indirectly, effect African-American students
  • by supporting the development and growth of other regional chapters of the OAAA Parents Advisory Association
  • by encouraging all families of African-American students to participate in OAAA programming and activities
  • by soliciting the support of business, government, and community entities in the quest for enhanced opportunities and considerations for UVA African-American students
  • by participating in University sponsored activities which directly benefit the OAAA programs or which enhance the prospects for African-American students to excel academically and to graduate in greater numbers.


The PAA is committed to making an impact on student life at UVA through the following activities:

Providing Financial Support

  • PAA Scholarship Program
  • OAAA's Programs and Projects
  • PAA Emergency Loan

Addressing Diversity Issues

  • Meetings with the University President
  • Meetings with the University's Board of Visitors
  • Meetings with Deans, Faculty, and Staff
  • Meetings with the Honor Committee and other Student Leaders

Supporting Recruitment and Retention

  • Sponsoring Get-Acquainted Family Events
  • Sponsoring Receptions
  • Providing Support Groups for Families in Crisis

Sponsoring Fund Raisers

  • Dinner Dance
  • Raffle

How to contact us or to join our PAA listserve: [email protected]

PAA Online Donation Form

PAA Info