Submit an item for the Newsletter

OAAA E-Weekly is edited and published by the Office of the African-American Affairs, and this office determines the suitability of all items for publications. The newsletter is published on Mondays during the academic year. All students of African descent and members of our E-Weekly list serve will receive an email with a link to an online version of the newsletter.


The E-Weekly newsletter includes a headline for each announcement, and often a subheading. Announcements that appear on the Web should be brief, generally less than 70 words, but can be more detailed by providing links to your website for more information.


Items for E-Weekly must be submitted by noon Thursday to be considered for inclusion in the Monday release of the E-Weekly newsletter on any given week. Please provide a website for readers to find more information. If you do not provide a URL, the contact email may will be used instead. The proper abridged form of the University’s name is UVA.

Sample Posting

UVA Sustainability: World Water Day (Headline)

March 20, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., South Lawn.  (Subheading)

The 2014 World Water Day Celebration will focus on the issues of water conservation and food security in the University, Charlottesville, and global communities. We will have representatives from many local and University research and community groups, and one of them could be your organization.